Tinker Bell

My Services

Graphic Design

Social Media Marketing

Digital Painting

Web Design

Video Editing

Product Catalog


Logo Design

Technical Support

My Work Flow

For Websites


Planning, Scope And Limitation

Number 1 in my list are the needs and wants of my clients.

During our brainstorming, I usually ask my client about what they want and need to achieve about the outcome of the project. I also discuss about the scope, limitation and the viability of the project. The possible features like particular theme, color, text or font sizes and other related issues shall also be included in our discussion.  After all the queries, I will also determine the possible timeline that we can both agreed.


Design And Approval

After I got all the details in Phase 1, I will now create a draft regarding the data that I collected. I will also request some initial content for the client like a sample logo. Then I will send my website draft for the client's approval before proceeding to Phase 3.



In phase 3, I will start working on the approve website design by installing the WordPress, themes and plugins that are needed on the project. I gave importance to the securities of my work, so I make sure that proper safeguard or firewall is in place first during the early stages of my project development which is also included in the concept of best practices. 

After that, I will create the website pages one by one and send a preview link to my client for his perusal and approval. This will facilitate early feedback for any revision, addition and/or correction in the soonest time.



For the final phase I will send a preview of the finish product and link of all website pages for final approval. Then I will optimize all the pages of the website and set the SEO of each page. Then after we iron out all issues about the project such as the part of the website links, content, Errors and etc. I will now set website live for my client, for his customers or his prospective customers and they can already browse it.


After the project is completed, we can also agree if you want to have a maintenance support or feel free to contact me for technical support.


Why Me?

Since 2011, I have experience as Accounting staff, IT staff, Network Specialist, IT Specialist, Graphic Artist, Web designer and Web developer. A set of skills and experienced which gave me confidence that I can really help you to develop your desired marketing tools that can help your business to grow.

Type Of Websites?

Marketing/ Business Website

Blog Website

Portfolio Website

E-commerce Website

Time Line?

It depends on what type of service or projects.

For websites the average timeline is 1 month for simple website. For e-commerce it will take longer depending on the number of functions and revisions.

For graphic design it is around 1 week depending on the details

Website Support?

Yes I offer free support for certain period of time depending on the type of the website projects. 

What I need to get started?

For websites

  • Domain Credentials
  • Hosting Credentials
  • Admin Credentials
  • Google account for google registration and daily backups
  • Text Content (sample: contact details, history, product details, promo, etc.) Images Logo Social Media Pages links
  • Logo
  • Images
  • Theme or concept
  • Number and type of Pages
For SSL Help?

Usually, SSL is included in the domain or hosting package. But since I will integrate it to CDN it usually issues an automatic free SSL with it 24 to 48 hours. But this is not recommended for E-Commerce Website. We suggest to buy a Premium SSL for payments security.

For WordPress Themes ?

Yes, I use WordPress premium themes that I can use on your website because it is more appropriate.


I offer revision but depending on the situation as much as possible I usually create a draft for approval to avoid revisions.

Do you customize code?

No. Because this project is only short term and any code customization really affects the Website especially if you need it to update from time to time.

Digital Painting or Portrait?

I need a clear copy of your picture and the rate is depending on the details